How do I send files to ThinkHub?

Send files to ThinkHub via the T1V app. Supported files include images, pdfs, and movie files.


You can send images, videos, and pdfs, directly to ThinkHub via the T1V app. 

Once you join the ThinkHub meeting, you can drag and drop files on to ThinkHub Canvas.

You can also select 'Send File' under the 'Send to Canvas Tools' on the toolbar floating in the left of your ThinkHub Access panel. When using this method, follow these instructions:

1. Select 'Send File'

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2. Select 'Select File'. This will open your Finder window and allow you to select the file you wish to share.

3. Select the file you want to send.

4. Select 'Open' in the finder window. Your file will then open on your ThinkHub Canvas.