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ThinkHub Education Use Case: Q+A Workflow

With ThinkHub Education, instructors can transform traditional question-and-answer exercises into dynamic, interactive experiences in the classroom. Here's how:

This workflow is one of several ways instructors are infusing active learning principles into ThinkHub Education classrooms. This method is best recommended for instructors who want to engage students in short, small-group discussions and open-ended Q+As. 

1. Instructor Sparks Active Engagement
The process begins with the instructor posing a question—be it multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, or an open-ended inquiry. This sparks curiosity and primes students for active participation. ThinkHub simplifies the sharing process as the instructor can write or screenshare the question on their Instructor Station for all students to see.

2. Student-Led Collaboration
Students form small groups and work together to answer the instructor's question. During this time, the instructor can walk between to groups to participate in their discussions if they wish to do so.

When the student discussions are concluded, they can share their collective answer to their dedicated ViewHub by casting their screen. For multiple choice answers, the instructor can create colored flashcards that are uploaded into the students' LMS for easy and consistent recognition (for example: all students who submit the answer 'A' will submit the same card with a red background and a black 'A').

3. Comprehensive Insight on Instructor Station
Leveraging ThinkHub's capabilities, the instructor can view all student responses on their Instructor Station. This real-time overview provides a holistic understanding of group answers, facilitating active assessment.

4. Interactive Feedback and Dialogue
ThinkHub's interactive features empower instructors to provide immediate feedback, guide discussions, and address nuances in understanding. This iterative process nurtures active learning through ongoing engagement.

5. Iterative Active Learning Cycle
This workflow creates an iterative cycle, promoting active participation, quick feedback, and dynamic discussions. Instructors can adapt their teaching approach in real time, fostering a classroom environment where every student is an active participant.