ThinkHub Template | Design Thinking

Guide your engineering projects from ideation to implementation with ThinkHub's Design Thinking template.

The Design Thinking template in ThinkHub is a powerful tool for fostering creativity and innovation in engineering projects. It guides you through the stages of design thinking—empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test—helping you develop effective solutions to complex problems. This article will walk you through how to use this template:

ThinkHub Education Design Thinking Template Image

Accessing the Design Thinking Template

  1. Download the Template.
  2. Upload the Template to ThinkHub via the T1V app. 

Using the Design Thinking Template

  1. Empathize:

    • Objective: Understand the users' needs and experiences.
    • Actions: Use the space provided to gather insights through interviews, surveys, and observations. Document findings with notes, images, and videos.
    • Tools: ThinkHub’s interactive canvas allows you to upload multimedia content and make annotations directly on the template.
  2. Define:

    • Objective: Clearly articulate the problem you aim to solve.
    • Actions: Summarize your research and insights to define a clear problem statement. Take some time to outline key pain points and user needs.
    • Tools: Use notes to create clear, concise problem statements and organize them visually on the template.
  3. Ideate:

    • Objective: Generate a broad range of ideas and solutions.
    • Actions: Conduct brainstorming sessions to come up with as many ideas as possible. Encourage team members to contribute their thoughts and document each idea.
    • Tools: Use ThinkHub’s collaboration features to facilitate real-time idea generation and categorization. Use different colors to group similar ideas.
  4. Prototype:

    • Objective: Build prototypes of your best ideas to explore solutions.
    • Actions: Develop simple, cost-effective prototypes that allow you to test your ideas. Document the design and functionality of each prototype.
    • Tools: Use ThinkHub to draw sketches, upload CAD designs, or include photos of physical prototypes. Annotate directly on these images to explain features and improvements.
  5. Test:

    • Objective: Evaluate your prototypes through user testing and feedback.
    • Actions: Conduct tests with real users to gather feedback on your prototypes. Note what works well and what needs improvement.
    • Tools: Use ThinkHub to document user feedback, create test plans, and track results. Annotate directly on the feedback to highlight key insights and areas for iteration.

Additional Tips:

  • Collaborate in Real-Time: Leverage ThinkHub’s real-time collaboration features to involve all team members in each stage of the design thinking process. Include remote participants via VC or connect two or more ThinkHubs together with ThinkHub MultiSite.
  • Visualize Progress: Add visual aids such as charts or live web-based dashboards to track progress and ensure all stages of the design thinking process are covered comprehensively.
  • Iterate: Design thinking is an iterative process. Use ThinkHub to revisit and refine each stage based on feedback and new insights.

Ready to get started? 

Download the Design Thinking Template.