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ThinkHub Education Use Case: Student Group Presentations

Here's a step-by-step guide for instructors to effectively utilize ThinkHub Education for student presentations in their classrooms.

ThinkHub Education revolutionizes classroom dynamics by offering instructors a versatile platform to streamline workflows and elevate the teaching and learning experience. In this article, we'll be going over a standard workflow for student presentations. For more ideas of how to facilitate active learning in your ThinkHub Education classroom, check out our ThinkHub Education use case section on our Knowledge Base.

1. Setting up your Canvas

Begin by launching ThinkHub on the Instructor Station. Create a new canvas for the upcoming session, providing a digital space for collaboration and interaction. Your Canvas is your digital workspace, which consolidates everything you'd like to share with your class—including presentations, videos, whiteboards, ideas, and more.

2. Assigning the Project

Introduce the collaborative project to your class, detailing the goals, requirements, and expectations. Assign groups of students to work together on a shared task or project, and assign them (or ask them to elect) a designated 'connector' who will wirelessly screen share to their student station during their presentation. We recommend rotating this role between group members each class until everyone feels comfortable connecting to their Student Station.

3. Students Work Together

Students can share their presentation in progress to their Student Station so everyone can contribute, brainstorm, and create content collectively. During this phase, the instructor can guide the process by walking around from group to group, or by monitoring each student station's progress on ThinkHub. Either way, the goal here is to foster an interactive environment.

4. Real-Time Annotation and Feedback

As students collaborate at their student stations, the instructor can view their progress in real-time. Leverage ThinkHub Education's annotation tools to provide instant feedback, clarify concepts, and guide students toward a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

5. Presentation Preparation

Once the collaborative project is complete, students can prepare for their presentations. Whether creating slides, documents, or interactive content, ThinkHub Education supports a range of formats. Students have the flexibility to craft engaging presentations that align with the project requirements—any programs that run on their laptops can be shared to their student station in real-time.

6. Students Present

The presentation phase begins as students showcase their work. Each group can present directly from their Student Station, or by sharing directly to the Instructor station. Presentations should be engaging and give the students a sense of ownership. Each group member should contribute to the presentation.

7. Interactive Q&A and Discussions

Following each presentation, instructors can initiate interactive Q&A sessions on the ThinkHub Canvas. Encourage students to ask questions, provide feedback, and engage in discussions. The collaborative nature of ThinkHub Education promotes a dynamic exchange of ideas, perfect for open-ended Q&As.

8. Reflect and Iterate: Conclude the session with a reflective discussion. Encourage students to share their experiences, insights, and any challenges they encountered during the project. Use this feedback to iterate and refine future workflows, ensuring continuous improvement.

By following this step-by-step guide, instructors can harness the power of ThinkHub Education to create a dynamic and collaborative learning environment. From project initiation to presentation and reflection, ThinkHub Education empowers instructors to orchestrate seamless and engaging classroom experiences.