ThinkHub Use Case: Software Company

ThinkHub's capabilities are helping software companies demonstrate their products to clients and prospects. Here are a few ways software management companies are using ThinkHub on a daily basis:

1. Demonstrations

Several software companies utilize ThinkHub to demonstrate their software by sharing their screen through hardline inputs or the T1V app. This ensures a large clear view of the software visible to everyone in the room—as well as any remote participants. By demonstrating their management software to clients on a large interactive screen, they can best highlight their software's features and functionalities.

2. Interactive Annotations

ThinkHub's interactive canvas allows the team to annotate directly on the presented content. This feature proves invaluable in highlighting key features, addressing client queries in real-time, and providing a personalized and engaging demonstration experience. The ability to visually draw attention to critical aspects of the software enhances communication clarity and helps clients grasp the software's value proposition more effectively.

3. Collaborative Client Engagement

ThinkHub becomes a collaborative space where clients can actively engage with the software. They can share feedback, ask questions, and participate in discussions, creating a more interactive and participatory environment during the demonstration. 

4. Real-time Iterations and Customization

ThinkHub allows on-the-fly iterations and customizations based on client preferences. This ensures that clients witness tailored demonstrations that align precisely with their specific needs and requirements. Annotated documents, notes, and shared PDFs can be saved and emailed to the client as a follow-up.

5. Comprehensive Training Sessions

Beyond the demonstration level, organizations can host comprehensive training sessions using ThinkHub. The interactive canvas serves as a large virtual training ground where clients can explore and learn about the software's functionalities in an engaging hands-on manner.