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  2. ThinkHub Cloud
  3. Getting Started with ThinkHub Cloud

How can I open a ThinkHub Cloud Canvas?

You can open ThinkHub Cloud Canvases that you've created and that have been shared with you under the Canvas section of your T1V app

In order to open an existing ThinkHub Cloud Canvas:

1. Open your T1V app

2. Make sure you've registered your T1V app. 

Once you've registered your app (make sure you've verified your email to complete the registration process), your dashboard will look like this: 

Screen Shot 2023-06-05 at 4.12.13 PM

3. Select 'Canvases' from the left side menu of your T1V dashboard.

Screenshot 2023-08-29 at 4.31.58 PM

4. This will show you all the Canvas you have access to. 

Screenshot 2023-08-29 at 4.40.12 PM

5. Simply click on the Canvas you want to open, and it will open that Canvas.

Note: You can use the following filters to help you search your Canvases: 

Select 'Filter By' to search all of your Canvas, or turn on/off various filters

Check 'Created By Me' to see a view of only the Canvases you've created (this hides the Canvases that were created by another collaborator and shared with you)

Check 'Shared with Me' to see a view of only the Canvases that have been shared with you (this hides Canvases you've created).

Screenshot 2023-08-29 at 3.44.17 PM

Select the dropdown Sort Menu to sort Canvases alphabetically or by recently viewed Canvases.

Screenshot 2023-08-29 at 3.45.02 PM

Once you've opened your Canvas, check out these articles on: 

How to send your ThinkHub Cloud Canvas to a ThinkHub Room

How to share your ThinkHub Cloud Canvas with your Team