ThinkHub Template | Idea Funnel Backlog

This template combines brainstorming and ideation with product and UX design, offering a structured approach for teams. It helps prioritize features, bugs, technical work, and knowledge building to enhance product functionality.

An Idea Funnel is a visualization technique that is most commonly used to help companies understand what new ideas are realistic and worth moving forward with. This template serves as both a roadmap and backlog, merging Kanban Board and backlog techniques.

This method consists of three stages:

  1. Raw Requests and Ideas: This initial stage collects ideas, requests, and suggestions from various sources, such as customer support or product teams. It's the starting point and accepts ideas without immediate scrutiny.

  2. User Stories: The second stage refines selected ideas into actionable user stories. These stories are well-defined, specific, and align with the product's goals. They serve as the building blocks for development.

  3. Planned State (Kanban Board): The final stage organizes user stories into a Kanban Board or workflow system. Here, tasks are planned, assigned, and tracked as they progress through different stages. At this stage, you should have a structured workflow and be able to track visible progress.

To use this template: 

Idea Funnel Backlog Template

  1. Download the Idea Funnel Template 
  2. Use the T1V app to send your Idea Funnel Template to your ThinkHub
  3. Customize Categories: You might want to customize categories, headers, or any predefined sections to align with your project or workflow.

  4. Add Items: Start adding your backlog items, which can include ideas, tasks, user stories, or features.

  5. Prioritize: Use the template to prioritize items within your funnel. This may involve categorizing items based on importance, urgency, or other criteria.

  6. Collaborate: Invite team members to collaborate on the funnel backlog. They can add or edit items as needed.

  7. Track Progress: As items move through your workflow, update the template to reflect their status, such as NEXT, DOING, DONE.

  8. Review and Iterate: Regularly review and iterate on your funnel backlog template to ensure it remains relevant and aligned with your project goals.

Ready to get started? Download the Idea Funnel Template.