How can I use ThinkHub Templates?

Looking for a ThinkHub Template? Browse our pre-built templates (or create your own), download it as a .t1vx file, and send your .t1vx file to ThinkHub via the T1V app.

Browse our pre-made templates or create your own. 

To create your own Template: 

  1. Start a new ThinkHub Session
  2. Add content to your Canvas (check out this article on helpful tools to organize your content)
  3. Once you have content arranged, save your ThinkHub Session. You may want to include 'TEMPLATE' in the name for future reference.
  4. If you have multiple ThinkHubs, use the T1V app to download your ThinkHub Session as a .t1vx file

Here's how to use our pre-made templates:

1. Download the template(s) you want to use onto your personal device (laptop, desktop, etc)

2. Use the T1V app to connect to your ThinkHub Room.

3. Select 'Send File' 

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4. Drag and drop your saved .t1vx file into this area, or click 'Select File' and select the .t1vx file from your list of files. 

This will open your ThinkHub Template on your ThinkHub Room.

Project Scope Template

5. Save your template as a ThinkHub Session. You may want to include 'TEMPLATE' in the name for future reference.

Check out our library of premade templates to get started.