ThinkHub Template | Project Scope Template

A project scope template is a structured framework that aids project managers in outlining the project's goals, deliverables, constraints, and limitations. It is the blueprint that sets the course for the entire project journey.

Creating and navigating a product scope template is a straightforward process:

Project Scope Template

  1. Download the ThinkHub Project Scope Template
  2. Use the T1V app to send your Template to your ThinkHub
  3. Set Clear Objectives: Begin by defining the primary goals and objectives of the project. What do you intend to achieve?

  4. Outline Acceptance Criteria: List the specific features, functionalities, and requirements that the project must include to meet its objectives.

  5. Establish Deliverables: Specify the tangible outputs or results expected from the project, ensuring they align with the objectives.

  6. Identify Exclusions / Constraints: Recognize any constraints, such as budgetary limitations or time restrictions, that might impact the project's scope. What will you NOT be doing as part of this project?

  7. Assumptions: What are some things outside of your control that you are counting on to happen for this project to be successful?

  8. Continuous Monitoring: Throughout the project, refer to the scope template to monitor progress and make adjustments as necessary to stay within scope.

    Ready to get started? 

    Download the ThinkHub Project Scope Template.