ThinkHub Template | SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that helps identify an organization's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats to inform decision-making and strategy development.

SWOT Template

1. Download the SWOT Template.

2. Use the T1V app to send your template to your ThinkHub

3. Brainstorm Strengths and Weaknesses: Have your team brainstorm internal factors that affect your organization positively (Strengths) and negatively (Weaknesses). Write these in the respective quadrants.

4. Identify Opportunities and Threats: Brainstorm external factors that could positively (Opportunities) or negatively (Threats) impact your organization. Write these in the appropriate quadrants.

5. Discuss and Prioritize: Discuss each point on the Canvas and prioritize them based on their impact and importance to your organization.

6. Develop Strategies: Use the analysis to develop strategies that leverage strengths, mitigate weaknesses, capitalize on opportunities, and defend against threats.

7. Implement and Monitor: Implement the strategies and regularly monitor the SWOT analysis to update it as the internal and external environments change. Make sure you save your canvas so you can return it at your next strategic meeting.

8. Review and Adapt: Regularly review and adapt your SWOT analysis as your organization evolves, ensuring it remains a relevant and valuable tool for strategic planning.

Ready to try your own SWOT Analysis? Download the template here.