ThinkHub Use Case: Personalize the Onboarding Experience

Welcoming a new team member is a moment of excitement and opportunity. With ThinkHub, you can turn this into a seamless and engaging experience. Here are some ideas to optimize your new hire onboarding process:

1. Create a Canvas for Each New Hire

Start by crafting a dedicated virtual Canvas for each new hire. Tailor the Canvas to their job responsibilities, incorporating key details, team introductions, and essential resources. This personalized space becomes a hub for their onboarding journey, fostering a sense of belonging from day one. In this Canvas, consider including: 

  • Interactive welcome video with a personalized video message from leadership or team members, providing insights into the company culture, values, and a warm welcome
  • Links to online tools they will use in their new position (CRM, Office 365, etc)
  • Company Directory
  • Knowledge Base / Online Training Materials
  • Brand Book

2. Outline Onboarding Schedule

Utilize ThinkHub's dynamic features to outline a detailed onboarding schedule within the dedicated Canvas. Break down the schedule into manageable segments, covering introductions, training sessions, and interactive activities. The visual representation ensures clarity and helps the new hire navigate their onboarding journey seamlessly. For ideas on how to get started, check out this article on using ThinkHub for Onboarding and Internal Training.

3. Invite Your Team to the Canvas

Foster team connection by inviting existing team members to the new hire's Canvas. This allows your team to virtually meet the new member, understand their role, and contribute to the onboarding process, even if they work in different offices. The ThinkHub Canvas can become a space where everyone can share insights, answer questions, and make the new hire feel part of the team.

4. Feedback and Reflection Section
Incorporate a section within the Canvas where new hires can share their feedback and reflections on the onboarding process. This not only encourages open communication but also provides valuable insights for continuous improvement.