How do I Dock Content from ThinkHub to a secondary screen?

Docking content from ThinkHub to a secondary display can enhance collaboration and engagement during meetings or presentations. Here's how to dock content on ThinkHub:

Docking content from ThinkHub to a secondary display can enhance collaboration and engagement during meetings or presentations. Whether you're sharing PowerPoint slides, PDFs, or screen sharing, ThinkHub allows you to easily display content on multiple displays around the room. 

To dock content from ThinkHub to a secondary display:

1. Select the Content to Share

Choose the content you want to share with your audience. This could be any content displayed on ThinkHub including a PowerPoint presentation, a screen share, or even a VC window.

Tap the content to activate it (a colored border will appear around the content window, indicating that it is in an active state).

2. Select 'Dock'

Look for the 'Dock' icon in the upper left corner of the content window. Click on this icon to dock a live feed of your content to the non-touch display. This will display the content on the secondary display, making it visible to everyone in the room.

3. Manage the Docked Content

Once the content is docked, you can continue to interact with it on the main display. You can also choose to undock the content at any time by clicking on the 'Dock' icon again.

4. Share with Video Conferencing Participants

When you are in a video conferencing call (Zoom, Teams, etc.), you can share your docked content with participants. Simply select the option to share your screen or application window in the VC window, and choose the docked content to share with the video conferencing participants.

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